Digital marketing

What is digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is a segment of both sales and marketing.  

The goal with digital marketing is to move a potential client or customer down the funnel to make a buying decision.  Each piece of digital marketing uses marketing and sales psychology similar to what you would leverage in standard marketing or sales.  The biggest difference is the automation and the ability to closely track the effectiveness of your assets.

Digital Marketing can include every pathway created in the digital world or on the web.  Each customer pathway created should be measured as part of the digital marketing strategy.

Customer Value Journey

A specific path that people travel as they discover your brand, build a relationship and become buyers of your products and services.

Content Strategy

A focused plan for creation, curation and delivery of valuable information and content that your potential customers will consume, react to and share.

Social Media

The ideal distribution channel for information, CVJ ads and much more. Internet 2.0 is where your customers are and where you need to be.

Digital Advertising

Each ad set seen on Social Media, Digital Video, Google, Bing and every other place customers click to find you because they noticed your brand.

Email Marketing

The heartbeat and core of any marketing machine.  Email is still the most effective way to reach your current and prospective customers.

Digital Video

Video is currently the best way to engage people in Content, Social Media, Ads and anywhere people can find you or your brand.

“Marketers need to build relationships and reputation before closing a sale.”

– Chris Brogan, CEO of Owner Media Group

Our Process

We work with our clients and their marketing teams to build out a specific Customer-Targeted Digital Marketing Strategy and campaigns. 

STEP 1: Discover

Together we identify who you are, who your ideal clients are, why your company exists, what you believe in and why customers should care.

With all of the data, we turn this into a living, breathing ethos for your brand.

STEP 2: Create

After performing an audit on your current digital footprint, our team outlines and then creates the content and supporting technology for each component of your digital marketing strategy.  Your mission statement, values and sales copy starts to populate across your digital footprint.

We work with your team to build all supporting material that will increase your brand’s visibility and enhance any digital marketing campaigns we implement.

STEP 3: Launch

Your Digital Marketing Roadmap goes live, generating leads from day one.  Your flagship customers are identified and we begin to build out an advocacy program, encouraging active brand promotion.

A support plan is implemented to help bolster the first campaign we launch.  This will include a significant content strategy that will draw organic attention to your brand.

STEP 4: Optimize

The data is analyzed using our custom data tools.  The Digital Marketing Roadmap is optimized, improving lead generation and conversions at each stage of the customer journey.

We identify data in the supporting assets to best understand what will drive the most organic visibility to your brand.

STEP 5: Scale

With the roadmap generating leads and conversions, together we scale the campaign.  We add new entry points to your marketing machine and go back to step 2 to create additional roadmaps for your business.

We work with your staff to train them in implementing similar roadmaps that can target specific segments of your clientele that are worth testing our methods on.

our Work

Check out some of our clients and the work we’ve built together.

Let’s Start Your Digital Marketing Roadmap Today! 
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Get in touch with us to find out more about how you can start your own digital marketing roadmap.